More On Making Today A Little Better For Yourself

Here is the initial: On Making Today A Little Better For Yourself

  • Take the long route home today. Make a stop by the park to people watch in the evening. Sometimes we all need a few minutes to slow down and clear out negative thoughts. Maybe you’ll even develop a new habit of taking walks.
  • Purchase something that smells good. Perhaps this sounds weird at first, but air freshener and the occasional scented candle may really help on your sad days. Not to mention help you fall asleep if you happen to be a night owl!
  • Break a social norm. Why is it that we feel obligated to tell people we’re doing well when they ask how we are? Tell the truth when they ask today. You may be amused to find that you’ve caught them off guard as a result of not replying with: “I’m doing great! How are you?”
  • … I realize that the above can be somewhat out of your comfort zone. But fear not! Just have a friend break a social norm as a you observe. (I guarantee to you’ll get a kick out of it!)
  • Watch the TV show that everyone has been raving over for the last couple of months. I know you might want to refuse to believe it’s as good as they all make it seem… or that you’d be disappointed after you watch! But come on, you’re kind of not getting any of the jokes these days.
  • Clear out your closet. If you compulsively hoard items such as clothing (much like myself) I highly suggest trying one! You pretty much know you’re never going to wear those items again so chuck them out with your negative thoughts.

— itsfruitcakeweather.

7 thoughts on “More On Making Today A Little Better For Yourself

  1. Ahh May, cute blog. Loving the positivity on here and will be adding it to my reader. Thanks for the post. All the best, Em

  2. Love this list, and I’m pretty sure of the one people are going to take to heart…watching TV! My recommendations (the usual suspects…) The Wire, Breaking Bad, House of Cards, Homeland, hmm.. better stop there. Great post!

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